draft 3


Purworejo, a small town that is now very old around 1113 years, has a lot of history that must be explored, including the icon of Islam in the development of Islam in this city, Bedug Pendowo which is famous as the World's Largest Islamic Bedug that is still in Darul Mosque Muttaqien which is located near Purworejo district square. Is one of the witnesses to the history of the progress of the development of Islam in the small city of Central Java.

This Bedug (drum) has a length of about 282 cm in the front line 194 cm in the center line back 180 cm around the front 601 cm around the back of 564 cm with a number of front nails 120 pieces and the number of nails behind 98 pieces and bricks, making this drum famous and famous in Asia and the World, a drum made of teak pendowo or a five-branched teak tree originating from the hamlet of the village of Purwodadi, become a history of how very meaningful this drum in the Purworejo region to broadcast Islam.

Bedug Pendowo is now 177 years old and has become a proud icon of Muslims in the Purworejo region and will witness the history of the development of Islam in the southern region of Central Java.

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